Here is a mod to add EGR Lift to JDM ecus.
This will give you another 0-5V input on the EGRL pin.

All Mods are done on the back of the PCB.
First start by removing R15 resistor.
Now fit that resistor to R13. (If you damage that resistor a 1K ohm replacement will work)

Next you want Add a diode to R15 and R14 to provide circuit protection.
Make sure the strip is pointing into the middle of the ecu.

Now you want to bridge across Q3. The top left pad to the single right hand side pad.

Next up move down towards the rear of the socket area.
You want to either cut the earth trace. Or if you have a drill bit the same size you can instead drill out the VIA to break connection to the GND on the other side of the PCB.

Take note if you chose to cut the trace be very careful of the traces next to it since they will cut a lot easier then the earth trace.

Lastly you want to jumper from C17 positive leg to this trace you have just disconnected.
C17 is labled on the top of the PCB but easy enough to tell from my pictures.

And your done.
If you dont care about circuit protection you can instead leave the diodes out and just use a bit of wire to bridge over R13 instead of a resistor.
But doing this if you feed over 5V or try use this input as a earth it will blow the input.